Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011

Another decade has come to an end!

Weird is what i have discovered lately, how everyone, each person on this planet (ok don't count the orphans, aged and the urchins) feels celebratory about yet another year going away? I mean to ask, its one more year going, you growing older, maybe the moments which you have had in that year  thats gone behind you, will never come back again? Times will change, prices will go high, government will change and therefore you'll have to yet again in your strive and struggle to "adjust" go on, competing to get to the standards of the on-going trends!
Here to me, it occurs again whether to say, happy new year?! or just stay quite and say  a thank you for your wish, even if you have not spoken a word to me in ages! and this one day out of the blue you say a happy new year without knowing the bad mood i might be in!

HOPE, this is what we live for, and keep an endless wait for! Hope can be an asset for anyone and it doesn't has any particular barriers of caste, creed or society. We live in this hope that the things wil get better, no matter what goes wrong. We don't want to take that extra effort but actually sit and hope for the desirable to take place.

SUGGESTION, something which each one of us including me, mind you, despise of all. We know that our elders or equivalents or even younger sometimes do have experience at different levels, and yet we're not ready ot take them. Its very hard to see and digest someone else more successful than us. Its deeply enrooted in us and its hard to ever come over it!

DREAMS, we are not limited to dream. Infact, its one and the only psychological phase where in we can actually live what we want to be as, let it be the Sachin Tendulkar,Owe that dream BMW, Or be it The Aishwarya Rai! Noone has a control over them except you.

So my message for 2011 will be: Hope less, Work more.
                                                  Take suggestions, they do work sometimes,
                                                   and have dreams, you don't have to pay for them!

My resolution for 2011 and i hope i stick to it!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Oh what a hypocrite :p :p)

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