Friday, July 27, 2012

I love you...

Three little words, magically beautiful.
words i want to wake up to
words i want to sleep listening to words in the middle of nowhere, just to simply convey, you're there

Words to caress your presence in my heart
to silently smile the moment that thought comes by

You say these and I will somehow survive in that moment.
Staying assured of an entwined entity, beautiful and precious...

Trembled soul within craves for that longingly searching deep in your eyes...
someone to share this life with in moments when I can feel best, even when I'm at my worst......

Monday, July 16, 2012

Note(s) to self

Write when you can,
Write when its (heart/head) craving to put something on paper.
Write because you are able to, and others are not,
Write, it will help you soar
Write, when you get bored!

It needn't be a page long thesis, it needn't satisfy who look here
Write because you were made to

Noone asked you to become Rosseau or Shakespeare,
It just need to pacify your soul.
There lies no point in sitting, glaring and waiting

Cause you are not helpless or hapless
You were designed in a certain way
Maybe designed to (a long pause)......... WRITE!


Courtesy: Google Images
Written with pure guilt, and with a strong hope to scribble, and never stop!



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Working class heroine!

April 2012 brought her to the city of Nizams.
With a whole new month to show apparent dedication in the organization that showed willingness to take her as an intern.
Deccan Chronicle, a new destination seemed easy in the beginning, with a hope to get absorbed and become a part of the organization after the so called Internship. (That has yet another dawn-of-realization related post! Some other time maybe:) )
With three other classmates, this was one place that became a source of learning, contacts and not in aiwain but the Hard way. A boss who seemed no less than a strict school headmistress, an immediate boss, very todayish and some other senior people!
The month passed with multiple rejections and all that followed after that. Anyhow 4 bylines and one joint byline was certainly a confidence booster:)
As the internship came to an end, one of them had already earned an job :) #happy
Last day, they went around meeting the headmistress first who apart from giving the normal 'where you went wrong and what you'd have done' lecture made everyone realize their worth, in short aukat dikhaana:D
Chalo, ab ghar chalein hum :)
Depression struck child she was chided with the post internship phase, lest another chance came by. A new organization, a new post, an opportunity to grab, work and improvise over... Struggles will be many, but there will be a way out. Ever optimistic :)


P.S. Next post about what NS does.

Friday, March 9, 2012

~ Living on a prayer ~

Voyaging through.What Life gives us, and what we want from Life? :-/

Its been a while that I have actually posited anything concrete.
This I hope to write in a plausible way to let open a way to initiate some rational conceiving. Thoughts that follow later is a matter of time. Usually depends on an individual's perception.

Sometimes Life puts you in a situation you don't to be in. But then you just can't help it. Its just happens. This includes people, place, events and similar things that happen involuntarily.  As you grow old things keep happening to you in an indirectly proportional way! There seem very few things that want to happen in your way.

That perfect love you had always read about or watched in the movies, that lyrically soulful song that makes your heart go warm, those uninterrupted thoughts you(we) cloud our heads with, and all those unexplained things that we go through, it occurs to me in a nutshell and also leads me to think with a notion whether or not it is good to live a life in imagination?

We expect and with bout of every emotional instance we come across we happen to be in a situation of quid pro quo. While all of this happens, we happen to shuttle between things, come across people, some become close, some you don't want to even look at, decisions you make for yourselves, for that someone who might be with you for a lifetime. Just in the middle of all this, you want to take a moment for yourself, pause the world, live in the times  that have gone by, do things that you had wanted to for yourselves.

In that amber colored fame which you have earned for yourself or the same that you are struggling towards, you pray for the times when you can be the person you wanted to be, with times, moments, people and places, all which are according to you. Sitting alone with surmounting thoughts that are running in your head, and those million conversations that you are having with yourself.

Amid all this that disguised persona that you have worn for yourself with the passing seasons makes you question your own existence. Is this when you want to question everything that's happening around you? The What if? times dawn upon you.  The mystic reality takes a toll over you, and it just becomes a little hard to cope up with things.

The very thought of Loving someone, living in the moment, having the best of times, friends, food, and equally good things that lead to that perfect life make an earnest entry in your heart. The desires become endless and time subsides accordingly. What remains are just memories behind...sweet, bitter, funny, implicit, explicit, intimate and the like.

Everything happens for a reason. With or against one's will. Wilderness gets its ways and so do the other complications. The struggle continues to take  The fact that we live with them makes us what we are. The reasons to ponder over remain where they were, unanswered, untried, and unsolved.

The present desires include a warm day with everything impeccable with a happy ending and a peaceful slumber that will wake the soul in yet another equally beautiful dawn.

Yet another hope that is so very hypothetical in nature!

PS: Don't know whether I have made any sense, but some thing that Dr. Seuss has said seems quite apt here. "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Made a blunder...
Hurt a Friend, unintentionally.
Something is just not right.
Its either the place, or something
It's not what I'd wanted.
Unable to focus on what I
had wanted...

If there is someone
listening to me out there,
I want you (whoever you're)
to please listen to me...

Child-like innocence is what
I want, restless and carefree is what
I want to be.