I'm sitting alone by myself, Virginia Woolf in my company. Can't take in a word even 20 pages away, seem to be lost in nothingness.
With air so warm, and ground beneath so cold, the thought of an unknown you surfaces out of nowhere.
This unknown you has no name just a face that I have been dreaming about lately. An urge to lie in your strong arms when the whole wide world is concerned about everything trivial.
The street outside has a million distractions whatsoever. But the mind just seems to be affixed on you.
A hope that this thought subsides, yet this urge to see this unknown you for real!
Suddenly reality dawns as it occurs to me that you don't actually exist! With highs and lows aplenty, you take form of a million thoughts that run in my head otherwise.
I don't want to let go of you, because the very image of you and your countenance brings a smile out of nowhere.
I wish you were for real sometimes, and sometimes I wish you were there...
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